The University of New South Wales
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Data is correct as at Sun, 08-09-2024 01:03:11 EST
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Search Results
Campus Sydney
Subject Law
Career Postgraduate
Teaching Period Teaching Period Two

Courses Offered
Code Course Title Units of Credit
LAWS8021 Advanced Topics in Intellectual Property 6
LAWS8040 Online Content Regulation 6
LAWS8052 Human Rights Internship Program 6
LAWS8054 Media and Communications Industry Regulation 6
LAWS8067 International Law, Human Rights and Cultural Heritage 6
LAWS8085 International Organisations 6
LAWS8087 International Law and the Use of Force 6
LAWS8092 Securities and Financial Markets Regulation 6
LAWS8095 Corporate Insolvency 6
LAWS8141 Censorship, Contempt and the Media 6
LAWS8150 Foundations of Private Law 6
LAWS8165 Skills in Dispute Management 6
LAWS8173 UNSW Law Postgraduate Internships 6
LAWS8180 Principles of International Law 6
LAWS8181 International Human Rights 6
LAWS8182 Global Governance and Social Justice 6
LAWS8197 Law Schools Global League Summer School 12
LAWS8213 Legal Concepts, Research and Writing 6
LAWS8214 Global Common Law Systems 6
LAWS8224 Company and Business Structures 6
LAWS8225 Dispute Resolution in China 6
LAWS8328 Migration and Citizenship Law 6
LAWS8413 Indigenous Peoples in International Law 6
LAWS8422 Research Thesis: Extended 6
LAWS8423 Research Thesis: 6 Units of Credit 6
LAWS8534 Online Dispute Resolution 6
LAWS8972 Law of the World Trade Organisation 6
LAWS8980 Principled (Interest Based) Negotiation 6
LAWS8993 International Business Transactions 6
LAWS9800 Law for Psychologists 1 6
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