The University of New South Wales
Class Details
Offering information, including the availability of offerings and timetabling information, is subject to change.
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If there is any inconsistency in the description of activities between the timetable and the Course Outline, the description in the Course Outline applies.
At times it may become necessary to cancel advertised offerings.
Data is correct as at Sun, 08-09-2024 01:03:11 EST

LAWS8214 Global Common Law Systems
Faculty Faculty of Law and Justice School Sch of Global & Public Law Go to Online Handbook record
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Campus Sydney Career Postgraduate
This course is scheduled for offering in the following teaching periods for 2024.

Teaching Period Staff Contact Census Date Notes
School Office 10-MAR-2024 UNSW Contacts/convenor: Edgeworth,Brendan. LLM Core Course. Classes will be delivered in a Lecture/Tutorial mode. Students are required to participate in both synchronous and asynchronous activities. All requirements will be set out on Moodle. The waitlist of this elective is capped at 25. Class instructor information can be found in the class detail listed below.  
School Office 23-JUN-2024 UNSW Contacts/convenor: Toohey,Lisa. LLM Core Course. Classes will be delivered in a Lecture/Tutorial mode. All requirements will be set out on Moodle. The waitlist of this elective is capped at 25. Class instructor information can be found in the class detail listed below.  
School Office 06-OCT-2024 UNSW Contacts/convenor: Edgeworth,Brendan. LLM Core Course. Classes will be delivered in a Lecture/Tutorial mode. Students are required to participate in both synchronous and 6 hours of asynchronous activities. All requirements will be set out on Moodle. The waitlist of this elective is capped at 40. Class instructor information can be found in the class detail listed below.  
Go to Class Detail records - TERM ONE
Teaching Period One

Activity Period Class Section Status Enrols/Capacity Day/Start Time
Course Enrolment T1 1844 CR01 Open 0/16
Lecture T1 9398 A Open 310/325 Tue 16:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 9399 1T10 Full 27/27 Thu 18:00 - 20:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 9400 1T11 Full 27/27 Tue 18:00 - 20:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 9401 1T12 Open 27/28 Fri 18:00 - 20:00 (Weeks:2-5,8-10)
Tutorial T1 9389 1TT1 Full 27/27 Wed 09:00 - 11:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 9390 1TT2 Full 27/27 Wed 11:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 9391 1TT3 Open 25/27 Wed 13:00 - 15:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 9392 1TT4 Open 18/27 Fri 09:00 - 11:00 (Weeks:2-5,8-10)
Tutorial T1 9393 1TT5 Full 27/27 Thu 09:00 - 11:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 9394 1TT6 Full 27/27 Thu 11:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 9395 1TT7 Full 27/27 Fri 11:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:2-5,8-10)
Tutorial T1 9396 1TT8 Open 26/27 Tue 18:00 - 20:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 9397 1TT9 Open 25/27 Wed 18:00 - 20:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
(* = jointly taught class)
Go to Class Detail records - TERM TWO
Teaching Period Two

Activity Period Class Section Status Enrols/Capacity Day/Start Time
Course Enrolment T2 2562 CR01 Open 0/11
Lecture T2 9535 A Open 214/225 Tue 16:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:1-4,7-10)
Tutorial T2 9526 1TT1 Full 25/25 Thu 14:00 - 16:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 9527 1TT2 Open 23/25 Thu 16:00 - 18:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 9528 1TT3 Full 25/25 Thu 18:00 - 20:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 9529 1TT4 Open 22/25 Fri 14:00 - 16:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 9530 1TT5 Full 25/25 Fri 11:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 9531 1TT6 Open 23/25 Fri 09:00 - 11:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 9532 1TT7 Full 25/25 Fri 11:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 9533 1TT8 Full 25/25 Fri 14:00 - 16:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 9534 1TT9 Open 21/25 Fri 16:00 - 18:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
(* = jointly taught class)
Go to Class Detail records - TERM THREE
Teaching Period Three

Activity Period Class Section Status Enrols/Capacity Day/Start Time
Course Enrolment T3 1768 CR01 Open 10/17
Lecture T3 9686 A Full 347/347 Mon 16:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:1-4,7-10)
Lecture T3 13020 B Open 33/50 Mon 16:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:1-4), Mon 16:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:7-10)
Tutorial T3 9677 1T01 Full 25/25 Tue 09:00 - 11:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 9678 1T02 Full 25/25 Tue 11:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 9679 1T03 Full 25/25 Tue 14:00 - 16:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 9680 1T04 Full 25/25 Tue 16:00 - 18:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 9681 1T05 Full 25/25 Wed 09:00 - 11:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 9682 1T06 Full 25/25 Wed 11:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 9683 1T07 Full 25/25 Wed 14:00 - 16:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 9684 1T08 Full 25/25 Wed 16:00 - 18:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 9685 1T09 Full 25/25 Mon 18:00 - 20:00 (Weeks:2-4,7-10)
Tutorial T3 9687 1T10 Full 25/25 Tue 18:00 - 20:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 9688 1T11 Full 25/25 Wed 18:00 - 20:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 9689 1T12 Full 25/25 Thu 18:00 - 20:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 9690 1T13 Full 25/25 Fri 09:00 - 11:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 12561 1T14 Full 25/25 Tue 09:00 - 11:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 12861 1T15 Open 11/25 Thu 18:00 - 20:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 13071 1T16 Open 19/25 Tue 11:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:2-5,7-10)
(* = jointly taught class)

Class Nbr 1844 Section CR01 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Course Enrolment Status Open Enrols/Capacity 0/16
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery Multimodal Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9398 Section A Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Lecture Status Open Enrols/Capacity 310/325
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 16:00 - 17:00 Law Theatre G04 (K-F8-G04) 2-5,7-10 Epro BJ Edgeworth
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9399 Section 1T10 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 27/27
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 18:00 - 20:00 Law Building 163 (K-F8-163) 2-5,7-10 Mr MR Gauntlett
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9400 Section 1T11 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 27/27
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 18:00 - 20:00 Law Building 163 (K-F8-163) 2-5,7-10 Mr A Arif
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9401 Section 1T12 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 27/28
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery Online Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Fri 18:00 - 20:00 Online (ONLINE) 2-5,8-10 Mr MA Naleemudeen
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9389 Section 1TT1 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 27/27
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 09:00 - 11:00 Law Theatre G23 (K-F8-G23) 2-5,7-10 Mr A Arif
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9390 Section 1TT2 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 27/27
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 11:00 - 13:00 Blockhouse G13 (K-G6-G13) 2-5,7-10 Mr A Arif
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9391 Section 1TT3 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 25/27
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 13:00 - 15:00 Blockhouse G13 (K-G6-G13) 2-5,7-10 Mr S Hossain
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9392 Section 1TT4 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 18/27
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Fri 09:00 - 11:00 Tyree Energy Technology LG07 (K-H6-LG07) 2-5,8-10 Prof LC Toohey
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9393 Section 1TT5 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 27/27
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 09:00 - 11:00 Tyree Energy Technology LG05 (K-H6-LG05) 2-5,7-10 Mr MR Gauntlett
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9394 Section 1TT6 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 27/27
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 11:00 - 13:00 Tyree Energy Technology LG03 (K-H6-LG03) 2-5,7-10 Mr S Hossain
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9395 Section 1TT7 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 27/27
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Fri 11:00 - 13:00 Tyree Energy Technology LG07 (K-H6-LG07) 2-5,8-10 Prof LC Toohey
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9396 Section 1TT8 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 26/27
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 18:00 - 20:00 Law Building 162 (K-F8-162) 2-5,7-10 Ms T Vo
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9397 Section 1TT9 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 25/27
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 18:00 - 20:00 Law Building 162 (K-F8-162) 2-5,7-10 Mr MA Naleemudeen
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 2562 Section CR01 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Course Enrolment Status Open Enrols/Capacity 0/11
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery Multimodal Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9535 Section A Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Lecture Status Open Enrols/Capacity 214/225
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 16:00 - 17:00 Science Theatre (K-F13-G09) 1-4,7-10 Prof LC Toohey
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9526 Section 1TT1 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 25/25
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 14:00 - 16:00 Webster 250 (K-G14-250) 2-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9527 Section 1TT2 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 23/25
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 16:00 - 18:00 Webster 250 (K-G14-250) 2-5,7-10 E Ferris
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9528 Section 1TT3 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 25/25
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 18:00 - 20:00 Webster 250 (K-G14-250) 2-5,7-10 E Ferris
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9529 Section 1TT4 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 22/25
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery Online Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Fri 14:00 - 16:00 Online (ONLINE) 2-5,7-10 Ms S Qadir
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9530 Section 1TT5 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 25/25
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Fri 11:00 - 13:00 Webster 256 (K-G14-256) 2-5,7-10 Ms S Qadir
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9531 Section 1TT6 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 23/25
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Fri 09:00 - 11:00 Law Building 301 (K-F8-301) 2-5,7-10 Mr S Hossain
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9532 Section 1TT7 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 25/25
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Fri 11:00 - 13:00 Law Building 301 (K-F8-301) 2-5,7-10 Mr S Hossain
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9533 Section 1TT8 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 25/25
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Fri 14:00 - 16:00 Law Building 389 (K-F8-389) 2-5,7-10 Ms KM Sheehan
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9534 Section 1TT9 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 21/25
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Fri 16:00 - 18:00 Law Building 389 (K-F8-389) 2-5,7-10 Ms KM Sheehan
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 1768 Section CR01 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Course Enrolment Status Open Enrols/Capacity 10/17
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery Multimodal Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9686 Section A Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Lecture Status Full Enrols/Capacity 347/347
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Mon 16:00 - 17:00 Law Theatre G04 (K-F8-G04) 1-4,7-10 Epro BJ Edgeworth
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 13020 Section B Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Lecture Status Open Enrols/Capacity 33/50
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Mon 16:00 - 17:00 Online (ONLINE) 1-4 Epro BJ Edgeworth
Mon 16:00 - 17:00 Online (ONLINE) 7-10
Class Notes
Please note this lecture is NOT livestreamed. The lecture will be recorded and made available to those enrolled in the online lecture at the conclusion of the face-to-face lecture. Students enrolled in the online lecture will be able to attend the in-person lecture after Week 1 if they prefer.
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Class Nbr 9677 Section 1T01 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 25/25
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 09:00 - 11:00 Law Building 202 (K-F8-202) 2-5,7-10 Ms KM Sheehan
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9678 Section 1T02 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 25/25
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 11:00 - 13:00 Law Building 202 (K-F8-202) 2-5,7-10 Ms KM Sheehan
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9679 Section 1T03 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 25/25
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 14:00 - 16:00 Law Building 202 (K-F8-202) 2-5,7-10 Mr M Razzak
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9680 Section 1T04 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 25/25
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 16:00 - 18:00 Law Building 202 (K-F8-202) 2-5,7-10 Mr M Razzak
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9681 Section 1T05 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 25/25
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 09:00 - 11:00 Law Building 163 (K-F8-163) 2-5,7-10 Dr DD Cater
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9682 Section 1T06 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 25/25
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 11:00 - 13:00 Law Building 163 (K-F8-163) 2-5,7-10 Dr DD Cater
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9683 Section 1T07 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 25/25
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 14:00 - 16:00 Law Building 163 (K-F8-163) 2-5,7-10 Ms S Qadir
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9684 Section 1T08 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 25/25
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 16:00 - 18:00 Law Building 163 (K-F8-163) 2-5,7-10 Ms S Qadir
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9685 Section 1T09 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 25/25
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Mon 18:00 - 20:00 UNSW Business School 118 (K-E12-118) 2-4,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9687 Section 1T10 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 25/25
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 18:00 - 20:00 Law Building 202 (K-F8-202) 2-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9688 Section 1T11 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 25/25
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 18:00 - 20:00 Law Building 202 (K-F8-202) 2-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9689 Section 1T12 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 25/25
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 18:00 - 20:00 Law Building 163 (K-F8-163) 2-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 9690 Section 1T13 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 25/25
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery Online Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Fri 09:00 - 11:00 Online (ONLINE) 2-5,7-10
Class Notes
School Consent Class.
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Class Nbr 12561 Section 1T14 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 25/25
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 09:00 - 11:00 Mathews 301 (K-F23-301) 2-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 12861 Section 1T15 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 11/25
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery Online Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 18:00 - 20:00 Online (ONLINE) 2-5,7-10
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 13071 Section 1T16 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 19/25
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 11:00 - 13:00 H13 Lawrence East 1041 (K-H13-1041) 2-5,7-10
Class Notes
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