The University of New South Wales
Class Details
Offering information, including the availability of offerings and timetabling information, is subject to change.
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If there is any inconsistency in the description of activities between the timetable and the Course Outline, the description in the Course Outline applies.
At times it may become necessary to cancel advertised offerings.
Data is correct as at Sat, 27-07-2024 01:03:16 EST

COMM1120 Collaboration and Innovation in Business
Faculty UNSW Business School School UNSW Business School Go to Online Handbook record
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Campus Sydney Career Undergraduate
This course is scheduled for offering in the following teaching periods for 2024.

Teaching Period Staff Contact Census Date Notes
Ms J Quattrocchi 14-JAN-2024  
Ms Y Liu 10-MAR-2024 Term 1 is restricted to Business Students only. Please join the waitlist if the course is full. We regularly monitor waitlists to organise seats in the course. For more information please visit: Limited online tutorial places will be available.  
Ms Y Liu 23-JUN-2024 Please join the waitlist if the course is full. We regularly monitor waitlists to organise seats in the course. For more information please visit: Limited online tutorial places will be available.  
Ms Y Liu 06-OCT-2024 Please note: Class waitlisting is not available for this course for Term 3 2024.  
Go to Class Detail records - SUMMER TERM
Summer Teaching Period

Activity Period Class Section Status Enrols/Capacity Day/Start Time
Course Enrolment U1 1016 CR01 Open 0/41
Tutorial U1 1832 M10A Open 37/45 Mon 10:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:2-5), Thu 10:00 - 13:00 (Weeks:1-5)
Tutorial U1 1833 M14A Open 34/45 Mon 14:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:2-5), Thu 14:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:1-5)
Tutorial U1 1834 M14B Open 41/45 Mon 14:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:2-5), Thu 14:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:1-5)
Tutorial U1 1836 M18B Open 27/45 Mon 18:00 - 21:00 (Weeks:2-5), Thu 18:00 - 21:00 (Weeks:1-5)
Web Delivery U1 1837 WEB1 Open 139/180
(* = jointly taught class)
Go to Class Detail records - TERM ONE
Teaching Period One

Activity Period Class Section Status Enrols/Capacity Day/Start Time
Course Enrolment T1 2361 CR01 Open 0/84
Tutorial T1 10281 H09A Full 45/45 Thu 09:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 10282 H09B Open 43/45 Thu 09:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 10283 H12A Open 43/45 Thu 12:00 - 15:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 10284 H15A Full 45/45 Thu 15:00 - 18:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 10285 H18A Open 31/45 Thu 18:00 - 21:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 10286 M09A Open 16/45 Mon 09:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7,9-10)
Tutorial T1 10287 M09B Open 41/45 Mon 09:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7,9-10)
Tutorial T1 10288 M12A Open 38/45 Mon 12:00 - 15:00 (Weeks:1-5,7,9-10)
Tutorial T1 10289 M12B Open 43/45 Mon 12:00 - 15:00 (Weeks:1-5,7,9-10)
Tutorial T1 10290 M15A Open 42/45 Mon 15:00 - 18:00 (Weeks:1-5,7,9-10)
Tutorial T1 10291 T09A Full 45/45 Tue 09:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 10292 T09B Open 43/45 Tue 09:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 10293 T12A Open 43/45 Tue 12:00 - 15:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 10294 T15A Open 44/45 Tue 15:00 - 18:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 10295 T18A Open 43/45 Tue 18:00 - 21:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 10296 W09A Open 44/45 Wed 09:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 10297 W12A Open 44/45 Wed 12:00 - 15:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 10298 W15A Open 43/45 Wed 15:00 - 18:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T1 10299 W18A Open 41/45 Wed 18:00 - 21:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Web Delivery T1 10300 WEB1 Open 777/855
(* = jointly taught class)
Go to Class Detail records - TERM TWO
Teaching Period Two

Activity Period Class Section Status Enrols/Capacity Day/Start Time
Course Enrolment T2 2218 CR01 Open 0/29
Tutorial T2 10579 H09A Open 44/46 Thu 09:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 10580 H09B Open 43/46 Thu 09:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 10581 H12A Open 43/46 Thu 12:00 - 15:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 10582 H15A Full 46/46 Thu 15:00 - 18:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 10583 H15B Full 46/46 Thu 15:00 - 18:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 12456 M09A Open 44/46 Mon 09:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-2,4-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 12493 M12A Open 45/46 Mon 12:00 - 15:00 (Weeks:1-2,4-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 10584 T09A Open 45/46 Tue 09:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 10585 T09B Open 44/46 Tue 09:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 10586 T12A Full 46/46 Tue 12:00 - 15:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 10587 T12B Full 46/46 Tue 12:00 - 15:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 10588 T15A Open 43/46 Tue 15:00 - 18:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 10589 T15B Open 45/46 Tue 15:00 - 18:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 10590 T18A Open 44/46 Tue 18:00 - 21:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 10591 W09A Open 45/46 Wed 09:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 10592 W09B Open 44/46 Wed 09:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 10593 W12A Open 45/46 Wed 12:00 - 15:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 10594 W12B Full 46/46 Wed 12:00 - 15:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 10595 W15A Open 45/46 Wed 15:00 - 18:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 10596 W15B Open 45/46 Wed 15:00 - 18:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T2 10597 W18A Open 43/46 Wed 18:00 - 21:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Web Delivery T2 10598 WEB1 Open 937/966
(* = jointly taught class)
Go to Class Detail records - TERM THREE
Teaching Period Three

Activity Period Class Section Status Enrols/Capacity Day/Start Time
Course Enrolment T3 1340 CR01 Open 57/275
Tutorial T3 10711 H09A Open 17/43 Thu 09:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 10712 H09B Open 26/43 Thu 09:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 10713 H12A Open 27/43 Thu 12:00 - 15:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 10714 H12B Full 43/43 Thu 12:00 - 15:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 10715 H14A Full 43/43 Thu 14:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 10716 H17A Open 0/43 Thu 17:00 - 20:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 10717 T11A Full 43/43 Tue 11:00 - 14:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 10718 T11B Full 43/43 Tue 11:00 - 14:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 10719 T14A Open 37/43 Tue 14:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 10720 T14B Open 37/43 Tue 14:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 10721 T17A Open 5/43 Tue 17:00 - 20:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 10722 W09A Open 22/43 Wed 09:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 10723 W09B Open 2/43 Wed 09:00 - 12:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 10724 W12A Open 38/43 Wed 12:00 - 15:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 10725 W12B Open 22/43 Wed 12:00 - 15:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 10726 W14A Full 43/43 Wed 14:00 - 17:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Tutorial T3 10727 W18A Open 8/43 Wed 18:00 - 21:00 (Weeks:1-5,7-10)
Web Delivery T3 10728 WEB1 Open 456/731
(* = jointly taught class)

Class Nbr 1016 Section CR01 Teaching Period U1 - Summer Teaching Period
Activity Course Enrolment Status Open Enrols/Capacity 0/41
Offering Period 01/01/2024 - 11/02/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 14/01/2024
Mode of Delivery Multimodal Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 1832 Section M10A Teaching Period U1 - Summer Teaching Period
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 37/45
Offering Period 01/01/2024 - 11/02/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 14/01/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Mon 10:00 - 13:00 Quadrangle G034 (K-E15-G034) 2-5 Miss IC Simpson
Thu 10:00 - 13:00 Quadrangle G034 (K-E15-G034) 1-5 Miss IC Simpson
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 1833 Section M14A Teaching Period U1 - Summer Teaching Period
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 34/45
Offering Period 01/01/2024 - 11/02/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 14/01/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Mon 14:00 - 17:00 Quadrangle G034 (K-E15-G034) 2-5 Ms J Quattrocchi
Thu 14:00 - 17:00 Quadrangle G034 (K-E15-G034) 1-5 Ms J Quattrocchi
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 1834 Section M14B Teaching Period U1 - Summer Teaching Period
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 41/45
Offering Period 01/01/2024 - 11/02/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 14/01/2024
Mode of Delivery Online Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Mon 14:00 - 17:00 Online (ONLINE) 2-5 Mr E Widjaja
Thu 14:00 - 17:00 Online (ONLINE) 1-5 Mr E Widjaja
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 1836 Section M18B Teaching Period U1 - Summer Teaching Period
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 27/45
Offering Period 01/01/2024 - 11/02/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 14/01/2024
Mode of Delivery Online Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Mon 18:00 - 21:00 Online (ONLINE) 2-5 Mr N Stevens
Thu 18:00 - 21:00 Online (ONLINE) 1-5 Mr N Stevens
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 1837 Section WEB1 Teaching Period U1 - Summer Teaching Period
Activity Web Delivery Status Open Enrols/Capacity 139/180
Offering Period 01/01/2024 - 11/02/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 14/01/2024
Mode of Delivery Online Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 2361 Section CR01 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Course Enrolment Status Open Enrols/Capacity 0/84
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery Multimodal Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10281 Section H09A Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 45/45
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 09:00 - 12:00 Quadrangle G034 (K-E15-G034) 1-5,7-10 Mr O Barrientos Arriaga
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10282 Section H09B Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 43/45
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery Online Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 09:00 - 12:00 Online (ONLINE) 1-5,7-10 Mrs R Grant
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10283 Section H12A Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 43/45
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 12:00 - 15:00 Quadrangle G034 (K-E15-G034) 1-5,7-10 Mr E Widjaja
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10284 Section H15A Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 45/45
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 15:00 - 18:00 Quadrangle G034 (K-E15-G034) 1-5,7-10 Mr E Widjaja
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10285 Section H18A Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 31/45
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 18:00 - 21:00 Quadrangle G034 (K-E15-G034) 1-5,7-10 Miss Y Hu
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10286 Section M09A Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 16/45
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Mon 09:00 - 12:00 Electrical Engineering G10 (K-G17-G10) 1-5,7,9-10 Ms J Quattrocchi
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10287 Section M09B Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 41/45
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Mon 09:00 - 12:00 Quadrangle 1043 (K-E15-1043) 1-5,7,9-10 Mr LP Page
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10288 Section M12A Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 38/45
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Mon 12:00 - 15:00 Electrical Engineering G10 (K-G17-G10) 1-5,7,9-10 Ms J Quattrocchi
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10289 Section M12B Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 43/45
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Mon 12:00 - 15:00 Quadrangle 1043 (K-E15-1043) 1-5,7,9-10 Miss IC Simpson
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10290 Section M15A Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 42/45
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Mon 15:00 - 18:00 Quadrangle 1043 (K-E15-1043) 1-5,7,9-10 Mr B Jahandideh
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10291 Section T09A Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 45/45
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 09:00 - 12:00 Electrical Engineering G10 (K-G17-G10) 1-5,7-10 Ms M Armat
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10292 Section T09B Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 43/45
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 09:00 - 12:00 Ainsworth 101 (K-J17-101) 1-5,7-10 Miss Y Hu
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10293 Section T12A Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 43/45
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 12:00 - 15:00 Electrical Engineering G10 (K-G17-G10) 1-5,7-10 Miss H Kim
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10294 Section T15A Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 44/45
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 15:00 - 18:00 Electrical Engineering G10 (K-G17-G10) 1-5,7-10 Ms Y Liu
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10295 Section T18A Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 43/45
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 18:00 - 21:00 Quadrangle 1043 (K-E15-1043) 1-5,7-10 Ms S Chung
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10296 Section W09A Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 44/45
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 09:00 - 12:00 Quadrangle 1043 (K-E15-1043) 1-5,7-10 Mr K Lenahan
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10297 Section W12A Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 44/45
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 12:00 - 15:00 Electrical Engineering G10 (K-G17-G10) 1-5,7-10 Miss S Zeng
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10298 Section W15A Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 43/45
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 15:00 - 18:00 Electrical Engineering G10 (K-G17-G10) 1-5,7-10 Mr K Lenahan
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10299 Section W18A Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 41/45
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery Online Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 18:00 - 21:00 Online (ONLINE) 1-5,7-10 Mr J Yan
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10300 Section WEB1 Teaching Period T1 - Teaching Period One
Activity Web Delivery Status Open Enrols/Capacity 777/855
Offering Period 12/02/2024 - 12/05/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 10/03/2024
Mode of Delivery Online Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 2218 Section CR01 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Course Enrolment Status Open Enrols/Capacity 0/29
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10579 Section H09A Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 44/46
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 09:00 - 12:00 Electrical Engineering G09 (K-G17-G09) 1-5,7-10 Ms S Chung
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10580 Section H09B Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 43/46
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery Online Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 09:00 - 12:00 Online (ONLINE) 1-5,7-10 Mrs R Grant
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10581 Section H12A Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 43/46
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 12:00 - 15:00 Mathews 230 (K-F23-230) 1-5,7-10 Mr E Widjaja
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10582 Section H15A Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 46/46
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 15:00 - 18:00 Mathews 230 (K-F23-230) 1-5,7-10 Mr E Widjaja
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10583 Section H15B Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 46/46
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 15:00 - 18:00 Electrical Engineering G09 (K-G17-G09) 1-5,7-10 Ms S Chung
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 12456 Section M09A Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 44/46
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Mon 09:00 - 12:00 Mathews 230 (K-F23-230) 1-2,4-5,7-10 Mr OF Wan
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 12493 Section M12A Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 45/46
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Mon 12:00 - 15:00 Colombo LG01 (K-B16-LG01) 1-2,4-5,7-10 Miss NA Reid
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10584 Section T09A Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 45/46
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 09:00 - 12:00 Electrical Engineering G04 (K-G17-G04) 1-5,7-10 Ms M Armat
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10585 Section T09B Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 44/46
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 09:00 - 12:00 Mathews 231 (K-F23-231) 1-5,7-10 Mr OF Wan
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10586 Section T12A Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 46/46
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 12:00 - 15:00 Mathews 231 (K-F23-231) 1-5,7-10 Miss H Kim
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10587 Section T12B Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 46/46
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 12:00 - 15:00 Electrical Engineering G04 (K-G17-G04) 1-5,7-10 Ms J Quattrocchi
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10588 Section T15A Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 43/46
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 15:00 - 18:00 Mathews 231 (K-F23-231) 1-5,7-10 Ms J Quattrocchi
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10589 Section T15B Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 45/46
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 15:00 - 18:00 Electrical Engineering G04 (K-G17-G04) 1-5,7-10 Ms Y Liu
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10590 Section T18A Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 44/46
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 18:00 - 21:00 Mathews 231 (K-F23-231) 1-5,7-10 Mr J Khoh
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10591 Section W09A Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 45/46
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 09:00 - 12:00 UNSW Business School G24 (K-E12-G24) 1-5,7-10 Mr K Lenahan
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10592 Section W09B Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 44/46
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 09:00 - 12:00 Mathews 231 (K-F23-231) 1-5,7-10 Miss IC Simpson
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10593 Section W12A Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 45/46
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 12:00 - 15:00 Mathews 231 (K-F23-231) 1-5,7-10 Miss M Shen
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10594 Section W12B Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 46/46
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 12:00 - 15:00 UNSW Business School G24 (K-E12-G24) 1-5,7-10 K Bell
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10595 Section W15A Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 45/46
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 15:00 - 18:00 Mathews 231 (K-F23-231) 1-5,7-10 Mr K Lenahan
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10596 Section W15B Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 45/46
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 15:00 - 18:00 UNSW Business School G24 (K-E12-G24) 1-5,7-10 Miss S Zeng
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10597 Section W18A Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 43/46
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery Online Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 18:00 - 21:00 Online (ONLINE) 1-5,7-10 Mr J Yan
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10598 Section WEB1 Teaching Period T2 - Teaching Period Two
Activity Web Delivery Status Open Enrols/Capacity 937/966
Offering Period 27/05/2024 - 25/08/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 23/06/2024
Mode of Delivery Online Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 1340 Section CR01 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Course Enrolment Status Open Enrols/Capacity 57/275
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery Multimodal Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10711 Section H09A Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 17/43
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery Online Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 09:00 - 12:00 Online (ONLINE) 1-5,7-10 M Katz
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10712 Section H09B Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 26/43
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 09:00 - 12:00 Electrical Engineering G10 (K-G17-G10) 1-5,7-10 Prof D Fiebig
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10713 Section H12A Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 27/43
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 12:00 - 15:00 Electrical Engineering G10 (K-G17-G10) 1-5,7-10 M Katz
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10714 Section H12B Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 43/43
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 12:00 - 15:00 UNSW Business School G24 (K-E12-G24) 1-5,7-10 Dr H Yu
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10715 Section H14A Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 43/43
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 14:00 - 17:00 Electrical Engineering G09 (K-G17-G09) 1-5,7-10 Ms J Quattrocchi
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10716 Section H17A Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 0/43
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Thu 17:00 - 20:00 Quadrangle G034 (K-E15-G034) 1-5,7-10 M Katz
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10717 Section T11A Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 43/43
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 11:00 - 14:00 UNSW Business School G26 (K-E12-G26) 1-5,7-10 M Katz
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10718 Section T11B Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 43/43
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 11:00 - 14:00 UNSW Business School G24 (K-E12-G24) 1-5,7-10 Dr CA Roell
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10719 Section T14A Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 37/43
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 14:00 - 17:00 UNSW Business School G24 (K-E12-G24) 1-5,7-10 M Katz
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10720 Section T14B Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 37/43
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 14:00 - 17:00 UNSW Business School G26 (K-E12-G26) 1-5,7-10 Dr IP Kwan
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10721 Section T17A Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 5/43
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Tue 17:00 - 20:00 UNSW Business School G24 (K-E12-G24) 1-5,7-10 Mr A Bruce
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10722 Section W09A Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 22/43
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 09:00 - 12:00 UNSW Business School G24 (K-E12-G24) 1-5,7-10 M Katz
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10723 Section W09B Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 2/43
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 09:00 - 12:00 UNSW Business School G23 (K-E12-G23) 1-5,7-10 Dr L Pupovac
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10724 Section W12A Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 38/43
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 12:00 - 15:00 UNSW Business School G23 (K-E12-G23) 1-5,7-10 M Katz
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10725 Section W12B Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 22/43
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 12:00 - 15:00 UNSW Business School G24 (K-E12-G24) 1-5,7-10 Dr J Huang
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10726 Section W14A Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Full Enrols/Capacity 43/43
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery In Person Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 14:00 - 17:00 UNSW Business School G26 (K-E12-G26) 1-5,7-10 Ms J Quattrocchi
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10727 Section W18A Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Tutorial Status Open Enrols/Capacity 8/43
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery Online Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Day Time Location Weeks Instructor
Wed 18:00 - 21:00 Online (ONLINE) 1-5,7-10 Dr P Chatterjee
Class Notes
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Class Nbr 10728 Section WEB1 Teaching Period T3 - Teaching Period Three
Activity Web Delivery Status Open Enrols/Capacity 456/731
Offering Period 09/09/2024 - 08/12/2024 Meeting Dates Standard dates Census Date 06/10/2024
Mode of Delivery Online Consent Consent not required
Meeting Information
Class Notes
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