The University of New South Wales
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Data is correct as at Sat, 21-09-2024 01:03:18 EST
Data is currently published for 2025 and is subject to change.

Search Results
Campus Sydney
Subject Law
Career Undergraduate
Teaching Period Teaching Period One

Courses Offered
Code Course Title Units of Credit
LAWS1021 Crime and the Criminal Process 6
LAWS1052 Introducing Law and Justice 6
LAWS1055 Legal Research and Writing 0
LAWS1061 Torts 6
LAWS1075 Contracts 6
LAWS1091 Business Associations 6
LAWS1121 Legal System and Skills A 6
LAWS1150 Principles of Private Law 6
LAWS1160 Administrative Law 6
LAWS1213 Foundations Enrichment 1 3
LAWS1230 Lawyers, Ethics and Justice 6
LAWS2150 Federal Constitutional Law 6
LAWS2270 Law in the Global Context 6
LAWS2351 Court Process, Evidence and Proof 6
LAWS2371 Resolving Civil Disputes 6
LAWS2383 Land Law 6
LAWS2384 Legal Experimentalism 6
LAWS2385 Equity and Trusts 6
LAWS2820 Law and Social Theory 6
LAWS3014 Insolvency Law 6
LAWS3046 Intellectual Property 1: Copyright and Designs 6
LAWS3064 UNSW Law Journal (Executive Editor) 6
LAWS3065 UNSW Law Journal Editor 6
LAWS3086 International Law Competitive Moot 6
LAWS3102 Advanced Criminal Law 6
LAWS3150 Contemporary Constitutional Law 6
LAWS3170 The Essential Advocate:An Intro to Advocacy 6
LAWS3182 International Human Rights Law and Advocacy 6
LAWS3183 Australian Journal of Human Rights 6
LAWS3192 Takeovers and Capital Markets Law 6
LAWS3208 Older People and the Law 6
LAWS3240 Kingsford Legal Centre Family Law Community Education Clinic (Non-Intensive) 6
LAWS3302 Land and Environment Court Clinic 6
LAWS3303 Kingsford Legal Centre Community Law Clinic (Intensive) 12
LAWS3319 Police Powers Clinic 6
LAWS3321 Introduction to the Australian Legal System 6
LAWS3335 Economic Analysis of Law 6
LAWS3350 Sport, Law and Society in Australia 6
LAWS3361 Environmental Law 6
LAWS3391 Family Law 6
LAWS3392 Children and the Law 6
LAWS3423 Research Thesis 6
LAWS3434 Research Thesis: Extended 6
LAWS3441 Law Journal (Issue Editor) 6
LAWS3510 International Commercial Mediation Competition 6
LAWS3555 UNSW Law Internships 6
LAWS3713 Indigenous Peoples in International Law 6
LAWS3751 Taxation Law 6
LAWS3777 Law Internships: Extended 6
LAWS3900 Introduction to Law Honours Research and Writing 0
LAWS3901 Honours Research Thesis 6
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