The University of New South Wales
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Data is correct as at Sat, 21-09-2024 01:03:18 EST
Data is currently published for 2025 and is subject to change.

Search Results
Campus Sydney
Subject Education
Career Postgraduate
Teaching Period Teaching Period Three

Courses Offered
Code Course Title Units of Credit
EDST5099 Foundation 1: University Study Skills in Education 6
EDST5100 Foundation 2: Fields of Practice in Education 6
EDST5106 Advanced Behaviour Support Strategies 6
EDST5111 Intellectual Disabilities 6
EDST5112 Learning: Psychological and Social Perspectives 6
EDST5118 Professional Practice for Special Education 6
EDST5131 Oral Communication Across the Curriculum 6
EDST5133 Creating Engaging Learning Environments 6
EDST5134 Addressing Special Needs 6
EDST5139 Language, Literacy and Numeracy 6
EDST5141 Critically Engaging with Indigenous Education 6
EDST5142 Education in Context 6
EDST5150 Teacher Language Awareness 6
EDST5306 Human Development and Education 6
EDST5314 Building Resilience in the Workplace 6
EDST5433 Organisation Theory in Education 6
EDST5438 Leadership Theory, Research and Practice 6
EDST5441 Advanced TESOL Curriculum Design and Assessment 6
EDST5442 Advanced Professional Practice 6
EDST5443 Assessment for Learning: From Theory to Practice 6
EDST5448 Educational Research 6
EDST5451 Educational Policy: Theory and Practice 6
EDST5454 Developing Literacies: From Kindergarten to University 6
EDST5457 Literature Review in Education 6
EDST5806 Creativity and Giftedness 6
EDST5808 Key Concepts and Issues in Gifted Education 6
EDST5810 Twice-Exceptionality in Education 6
EDST5888 Capstone Professional Inquiry Project 6
EDST5889 Minor Thesis 6
EDST6780 Mathematics 2 (3-6) 6
EDST6781 Teaching English in K-6 6
EDST6786 Creative Arts (K-6) 6
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