The University of New South Wales
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Data is correct as at Sat, 21-09-2024 01:03:18 EST
Data is currently published for 2025 and is subject to change.

Search Results
Campus Sydney
Subject Juris Doctor
Career Postgraduate
Teaching Period Teaching Period Two

Courses Offered
Code Course Title Units of Credit
JURD7121 Crime and the Criminal Process 6
JURD7122 Criminal Laws 6
JURD7130 Lawyers, Ethics and Justice 6
JURD7141 Principles of Public Law 6
JURD7161 Torts 6
JURD7193 State Crime, the Law and Civil Society 6
JURD7224 Business Associations 6
JURD7236 Theories of Law and Justice 6
JURD7251 Court Process, Evidence and Proof 6
JURD7270 Law in the Global Context 6
JURD7271 Resolving Civil Disputes 6
JURD7283 Land Law 6
JURD7284 Legal Experimentalism 6
JURD7316 Expert Evidence 6
JURD7325 Advanced Contract Law 6
JURD7366 Environmental Markets 6
JURD7381 International Humanitarian Law 6
JURD7382 Advanced Administrative Law 6
JURD7383 Australian Journal of Human Rights 6
JURD7387 Forced Migration and Human Rights in International Law 6
JURD7404 International Children's Rights Law 6
JURD7411 Indigenous People and the Law 6
JURD7413 Housing Law 6
JURD7414 Insolvency Law 6
JURD7421 Media Law: General Principles 6
JURD7434 Research Thesis: Extended 6
JURD7438 Chinese Corporate and Securities Law 6
JURD7441 Law Journal (Issue Editor) 6
JURD7444 Animal Law 6
JURD7474 Competition Law and Intellectual Property 6
JURD7481 Public International Law 6
JURD7484 International Trade Law: The Law and Policy of the WTO 6
JURD7493 Succession 6
JURD7499 Licensing Law 6
JURD7507 Current Issues in International Human Rights Law 6
JURD7527 Drug Law and Policy 6
JURD7555 UNSW Law Internships 6
JURD7564 UNSW Law Journal (Executive Editor) 6
JURD7565 UNSW Law Journal Editor 6
JURD7576 Investor-State Dispute Resolution 6
JURD7580 Renewable Energy Law and Policy 6
JURD7598 Sentencing and Criminal Justice 6
JURD7610 International Commercial Mediation Competition 6
JURD7623 Commercial and Charitable Trusts 6
JURD7625 Dispute Resolution in China 6
JURD7627 Law Schools Global League Summer School 12
JURD7683 Sports Sponsorship and Marketing 6
JURD7777 Law Internships: Extended 6
JURD7782 Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes 6
JURD7812 Native Title Law, Policy and Practice 6
JURD7819 Police Powers Clinic 6
JURD7823 Research Thesis: 6 Units of Credit 6
JURD7992 Securities and Financial Markets Regulation 6
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