The University of New South Wales
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Campus Sydney
Career Undergraduate
Teaching Period Summer Teaching Period

Subject Area Listing
Subject Area   Offered by
ACCT Accounting School of Acctng, Audit & Tax
ARTS Arts Faculty of Arts, Design & Arch
ATSI Nura Gili (Indigenous Programs) Nura Gili Indigenous Programs
AVIA Aviation School of Aviation
BABS Biotechnology & Biomolecular Sciences Sch Biotech & Biomolecular Sci
BEES Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences Sch Biol, Earth & Environ Sci
BEIL BE Interdisciplinary Learning Faculty of Arts, Design & Arch
BENV Built Environment Faculty of Arts, Design & Arch
CDEV Career Development Div. Registrar & Deputy Princ
CEIC Chem Eng and Industrial Chemistry School of Chemical Engineering
CHEM Chemistry School of Chemistry
COMM Commerce UNSW Business School
COMP Computer Science School of Computer Sci & Eng
CVEN Civil and Environmental Engineering School of Civil & Env Eng
ECON Economics School of Economics
EDST Education School of Education
ELEC Electrical Engineering School of Elec Eng & Telco
ENGG Engineering interdisciplinary Faculty of Engineering
FINS Finance School of Banking & Finance
GENC Business General Education UNSW Business School
GENE Engineering General Education Faculty of Engineering
GENL Law General Education Faculty of Law and Justice
GENS Science General Education Faculty of Science
INFS Information Systems Sch Info Sys and Tech Mgmt
LAWS Law Faculty of Law and Justice
MARK Marketing School of Marketing
MATH Mathematics Sch Mathematics & Statistics
MATS Materials Science and Engineering School of Materials Sci & Eng
MMAN Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering School of Mech & Manf. Eng
MSCI Marine Science Faculty of Science
PHCM Public Health and Community Medicine School of Population Health
PHYS Physics School of Physics
PSYC Psychology School of Psychology
SCIF Faculty of Science Faculty of Science
SOMS Medical Science School of Biomedical Sciences
TABL Taxation and Business Law School of Acctng, Audit & Tax
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