The University of New South Wales
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Search Results
Campus Sydney
Subject Education
Career Postgraduate
Teaching Period Teaching Period Two - C

Courses Offered
Code Course Title Units of Credit
EDST5115 Indigenous Contexts of Education 6
EDST6730 Chinese Method 2 6
EDST6731 Drama Method 2 6
EDST6732 English Method 2 6
EDST6734 English as an Additional Language or Dialect Method 2 6
EDST6735 French Method 2 6
EDST6736 Geography Method 2 6
EDST6737 German Method 2 6
EDST6740 Indonesian Method 2 6
EDST6741 Japanese Method 2 6
EDST6744 Spanish Method 2 6
EDST6745 Business Studies Method 2 6
EDST6746 Economics Method 2 6
EDST6747 Aboriginal Studies Method 2 6
EDST6748 Korean Method 2 6
EDST6749 Legal Studies Method 2 6
EDST6752 Society and Culture Method 2 6
EDST6753 Extension English Method 2 6
EDST6755 Mathematics Method 2 6
EDST6756 Extension Mathematics Method 2 6
EDST6757 Music Method 2 6
EDST6758 Extension Music Method 2 6
EDST6765 Professional Experience 2/Internship 12
EDST6772 Graphics and Multimedia Technology Method 2 6
EDST6776 Visual Arts Method 2 6
EDST6778 Extension Visual Arts Method 2 6
EDST6783 History and Geography (K-6) 6
EDST6784 Science and Technology (K-6) 6
EDST6950 Ancient History Method 2 6
EDST6951 Modern History Method 2 6
EDST6952 Science Method 2 6
EDST6953 Physics Method 2 6
EDST6954 Earth and Environmental Science Method 2 6
EDST6955 Chemistry Method 2 6
EDST6956 Biology Method 2 6
EDST6957 Chemistry/Biology Method 2 6
EDST6958 Investigating Science Method 6
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