The University of New South Wales
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Data is correct as at Fri, 25-10-2024 09:34:02 EST
Data is currently published for 2024 and is subject to change.

Search Results
Campus Sydney
Subject Juris Doctor
Career Postgraduate
Teaching Period Teaching Period One

Courses Offered
Code Course Title Units of Credit
JURD7121 Crime and the Criminal Process 6
JURD7130 Lawyers, Ethics and Justice 6
JURD7150 Principles of Private Law 6
JURD7152 Introducing Law and Justice 6
JURD7155 Legal Research and Writing 0
JURD7160 Administrative Law 6
JURD7161 Torts 6
JURD7175 Contracts 6
JURD7223 Legal Theory 6
JURD7224 Business Associations 6
JURD7250 Federal Constitutional Law 6
JURD7251 Court Process, Evidence and Proof 6
JURD7270 Law in the Global Context 6
JURD7271 Resolving Civil Disputes 6
JURD7272 Transitional Module: LRW - Australian Law 0
JURD7283 Land Law 6
JURD7284 Legal Experimentalism 6
JURD7285 Equity and Trusts 6
JURD7301 Health and Medical Law 6
JURD7303 Kingsford Legal Centre Community Law Clinic (Intensive) 12
JURD7304 Kingsford Legal Centre Community Law Clinic (Non-intensive) 6
JURD7305 Kingsford Legal Centre Employment Law Clinic (Intensive) 12
JURD7321 Foundations of Intellectual Property Law 6
JURD7328 Employment Law 6
JURD7350 Globalisation and Intellectual Property Law 6
JURD7361 Environmental Law 6
JURD7364 Regulation, Litigation and Enforcement 6
JURD7370 The Essential Advocate: An Introduction to Advocacy 6
JURD7371 Development and Planning Law 6
JURD7372 Australian Immigration Law and Practice 6
JURD7380 Insurance Law 6
JURD7383 Australian Journal of Human Rights 6
JURD7414 Insolvency Law 6
JURD7428 Corporate Governance 6
JURD7431 Legal Theory 6
JURD7434 Research Thesis: Extended 6
JURD7441 Law Journal (Issue Editor) 6
JURD7446 Intellectual Property 1: Copyright and Designs 6
JURD7466 Climate Law 6
JURD7479 International Investment Law 6
JURD7486 International Law Competitive Moot 6
JURD7491 Family Law 6
JURD7492 Children and the Law 6
JURD7501 Law, Gender and Sexuality 6
JURD7502 Land and Environment Court Clinic 6
JURD7550 Data Privacy Law 6
JURD7555 UNSW Law Internships 6
JURD7564 UNSW Law Journal (Executive Editor) 6
JURD7565 UNSW Law Journal Editor 6
JURD7582 International Human Rights Law and Advocacy 6
JURD7583 International Commercial Arbitration 6
JURD7592 The High Court of Australia 6
JURD7598 Sentencing and Criminal Justice 6
JURD7610 International Commercial Mediation Competition 6
JURD7617 Intellectual Property Law 6
JURD7625 Dispute Resolution in China 6
JURD7671 Transnational Legal Studies B 12
JURD7751 Taxation Law 6
JURD7777 Law Internships: Extended 6
JURD7781 International Human Rights 6
JURD7784 Legal Experimentalism 6
JURD7819 Police Powers Clinic 6
JURD7823 Research Thesis: 6 Units of Credit 6
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