The University of New South Wales
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Data is correct as at Sun, 08-09-2024 01:03:11 EST
Data is currently published for 2024 and is subject to change.

Search Results
Campus UNSW Canberra at ADFA
Subject Humanities & Social Sciences
Career Postgraduate
Teaching Period Teaching Period One - ADFA

Courses Offered
Code Course Title Units of Credit
ZHSS8201 Contemporary Warfare 6
ZHSS8203 Foundations of Modern Strategy 6
ZHSS8210 Genocide: Perception and Intervention 6
ZHSS8220 Fighting the Second World War 6
ZHSS8401 Research Thesis A 6
ZHSS8402 Research Thesis B 6
ZHSS8403 Global Security 6
ZHSS8409 Asia-Pacific Security: The Dynamics of Change 6
ZHSS8441 Cyber-Security and World Politics 6
ZHSS8453 Culture and Conflict 6
ZHSS8458 Cyber Policy in China 6
ZHSS8459 Special Operations: Theory and Strategic Utility 6
ZHSS8463 International Law in Global Politics 6
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