University of New South Wales
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Data is correct as at Mon, 21-09-2009 01:30:15 EST
Data is currently published for 2009 and is subject to change.

Search Results
Campus Kensington Campus
Subject Computer Science
Career Undergraduate
Teaching Period Teaching Period One

Courses Offered
Code Course Title Units of Credit
COMP0011 Fundamentals of Computing 6
COMP1911 Computing 1 6
COMP1917 Higher Computing 1 6
COMP1921 Data Structures and Algorithms 6
COMP1927 Higher Data Structures and Algorithms 6
COMP2041 Software Construction: Techniques and Tools 6
COMP2111 System Modelling and Design 6
COMP2121 Microprocessors and Interfacing 6
COMP2911 Engineering Design in Computing 6
COMP2920 Professional Issues and Ethics for Computer Science 3
COMP3121 Algorithms and Programming Techniques 6
COMP3131 Programming Languages and Compilers 6
COMP3141 Software System Design and Implementation 6
COMP3152 Comparative Concurrency Semantics 6
COMP3153 Algorithmic Verification 6
COMP3211 Computer Architecture 6
COMP3231 Operating Systems 6
COMP3311 Database Systems 6
COMP3331 Computer Networks and Applications 6
COMP3411 Artificial Intelligence 6
COMP3441 Cryptography and Distributed Systems Security 6
COMP3821 Extended Algorithms & Programming Techniques 6
COMP3891 Extended Operating Systems 6
COMP3901 Special Project A 6
COMP3902 Special Project B 12
COMP4001 Object-Oriented Software Development 6
COMP4141 Theory of Computation 6
COMP4317 XML and Databases 6
COMP4336 Mobile Data Networking 6
COMP4411 Experimental Robotics 6
COMP4415 First-order Logic 6
COMP4511 User Interface Design and Construction 6
COMP4601 Design Project B 6
COMP4905 Industrial Training 1 18
COMP4906 Industrial Training 2 15
COMP4910 Thesis Part A 3
COMP4911 Thesis Part B 15
COMP4920 Professional Issues and Ethics 3
COMP4930 Thesis Part A 6
COMP4931 Thesis Part B 6
COMP9018 Advanced Graphics 6
COMP9243 Distributed Systems 6
COMP9318 Data Warehousing and Data Mining 6
COMP9321 Web Applications Engineering 6
COMP9322 Service-Oriented Architectures 6
COMP9333 Advanced Computer Networks 6
COMP9417 Machine Learning and Data Mining 6
COMP9447 Security Engineering Workshop 6
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