University of New South Wales
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Data is correct as at Mon, 21-09-2009 01:30:15 EST
Data is currently published for 2009 and is subject to change.

Search Results
Campus Kensington Campus
Subject Arts
Career Undergraduate
Teaching Period Teaching Period One

Courses Offered
Code Course Title Units of Credit
ARTS1030 Introduction to English: Literary Genres 6
ARTS1060 Introduction to Film Studies 6
ARTS1090 Media, Culture and Everyday Life 6
ARTS1120 Introduction to Theatre and Performance Studies 6
ARTS1210 Concepts of Asia 6
ARTS1270 The Big Picture: An Introduction to History 6
ARTS1300 Understanding Science, Technology and Society 6
ARTS1361 Metaphysics & Epistemology: Issues & Traditions 6
ARTS1450 Introductory Chinese A 6
ARTS1480 Introductory French A 6
ARTS1510 Introductory German A 6
ARTS1540 Introductory Greek A 6
ARTS1570 Introductory Spanish A 6
ARTS1600 Introductory Indonesian A 6
ARTS1630 Introductory Japanese A 6
ARTS1660 Introductory Korean A 6
ARTS1690 The Structure of Language 6
ARTS1750 Introduction to Development Studies 6
ARTS1780 Concepts of Europe 6
ARTS1810 International Relations in the Twentieth Century 6
ARTS1841 Politics & Principles: Intro to Political Theory 6
ARTS1870 Introduction to Sociology and Anthropology 6
ARTS2211 East Asia: Tradition and Modernity 6
ARTS2330 The Idea of Israel: Jewish Nationalism & Statehood 6
ARTS2450 Intermediate Chinese A 6
ARTS2480 Intermediate French A 6
ARTS2510 Intermediate German A 6
ARTS2540 Intermediate Greek A 6
ARTS2570 Intermediate Spanish A 6
ARTS2600 Intermediate Indonesian A 6
ARTS2630 Intermediate Japanese A 6
ARTS2660 Intermediate Korean A 6
ARTS3450 Advanced Chinese A 6
ARTS3452 Professional Chinese A 6
ARTS3480 Advanced French A 6
ARTS3482 Professional French A 6
ARTS3510 Advanced German A 6
ARTS3540 Advanced Greek A 6
ARTS3570 Advanced Spanish A 6
ARTS3600 Advanced Indonesian A 6
ARTS3630 Advanced Japanese A 6
ARTS3632 Professional Japanese A 6
ARTS3660 Advanced Korean A 6
ARTS3690 Language Universals and Linguistic Typography 6
ARTS3750 Development Issues and Management 6
ARTS3751 Agencies of Development 6
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