The University of New South Wales
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Data is correct as at Thu, 22-09-2016 01:10:06 EST
Data is currently published for 2016 and is subject to change.

Search Results
Campus UNSW Canberra at ADFA
Subject Humanities & Social Sciences
Career Undergraduate
Teaching Period Teaching Period Two - ADFA

Courses Offered
Code Course Title Units of Credit
ZHSS1102 English 1B: Literature and Power 6
ZHSS1202 History 1B: The Second World War 1942-1949 6
ZHSS1302 Indonesian 1B 6
ZHSS1304 Indonesian 1D 6
ZHSS1402 International and Political Studies 1B: World Politics 6
ZHSS2133 Another Country: Australian Literature 6
ZHSS2135 Special Studies (English) II 6
ZHSS2231 US Military History: Colonial Times to the Present 6
ZHSS2232 The British Empire at War: 1750-1971 6
ZHSS2302 Indonesian 2B 6
ZHSS2304 Indonesian 2D 6
ZHSS2306 Special Studies (Indonesian) 2 6
ZHSS2412 Politics of Australian Security 6
ZHSS2416 The Comparative Politics of Southeast Asia: Political Transition and Political Change 6
ZHSS2601 Introductory Business Ethics 6
ZHSS2651 Special Studies (Ethics and Philosophy) II 6
ZHSS2902 Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project 1 6
ZHSS3138 War Literature and Film 6
ZHSS3202 Preliminary Honours History: Methodology, Research and Writing 6
ZHSS3219 Special Studies (History) II 6
ZHSS3231 First World War 6
ZHSS3236 After the Empire: the United Kingdom since 1945 6
ZHSS3302 Indonesian 3B 6
ZHSS3420 Special Studies (International and Political Studies) II 6
ZHSS3435 Contemporary Security Studies 6
ZHSS3902 Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project 3 6
ZHSS4002 Arts Honours Research 2 24
ZHSS4006 History Honours Research 2 15
ZHSS4008 History Special Topic 2 9
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