The University of New South Wales
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Data is correct as at Thu, 25-09-2014 01:10:09 EST
Data is currently published for 2014 and is subject to change.

Search Results
Campus Sydney
Subject Geoscience
Career Undergraduate
Teaching Period Teaching Period Two

Courses Offered
Code Course Title Units of Credit
GEOS1111 Fundamentals of Geology 6
GEOS1211 Environmental Earth Science 6
GEOS1601 Population, Environment, Society 6
GEOS2051 Introductory Geophysics 6
GEOS2241 Peak Carbon: Climate Change and Energy Policy 6
GEOS2291 Ground and Surface Water 6
GEOS2641 Urban Environments 6
GEOS2711 Australian Climate and Vegetation 6
GEOS2721 Australian Surface Environments and Landforms 6
GEOS2811 Remote Sensing Applications and Digital Image Analysis 6
GEOS3141 Mineral and Energy Resources 6
GEOS3321 Fundamentals of Petroleum Geology 6
GEOS3371 Advanced Topics in Petroleum Geophysics 6
GEOS3651 Migration, Multiculturalism and Society 6
GEOS3761 Environmental Change 6
GEOS3821 Geographic Data Analysis 6
GEOS3921 Coastal Resource Management 6
GEOS4411 Geography Honours - 6uoc 6
GEOS4412 Geography Honours - 12uoc 12
GEOS4413 Geography Honours - 18uoc 18
GEOS4418 Geography Honours - 24uoc 24
GEOS6733 Environmental Geophysics 6
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