The University of New South Wales
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Data is correct as at Thu, 25-09-2014 01:10:09 EST
Data is currently published for 2014 and is subject to change.

Search Results
Campus Paddington
Subject Design Studies
Career Postgraduate
Teaching Period Teaching Period Two

Courses Offered
Code Course Title Units of Credit
SDES6700 Introduction to Contemporary Ceramics 6
SDES6702 Contemporary Ceramics: Space and Form 6
SDES6710 Introduction to Programmable Design 6
SDES6713 Responsive Object Projects 6
SDES6720 Introduction to Environment-Spatial Design 6
SDES6722 Environment-Spatial Design: Cultural Contexts 6
SDES6730 Introduction to Furniture and Lighting Design 6
SDES6731 Domestic Furniture and Lighting 6
SDES6740 Introduction to Graphics Media 6
SDES6741 Graphics Media: Contemporary Typography 6
SDES6742 Graphic Design for the Web 6
SDES6750 Introduction to Jewellery 6
SDES6752 Jewellery: Contemporary Objects 6
SDES6760 Introduction to Contemporary Textiles 6
SDES6762 Textiles: Contemporary Interiors 6
SDES6771 Design Management: Identity 6
SDES6779 Permaculture Design Principles, Philosophy and Practice 6
SDES6790 Nexus, Collaboration, Creation 6
SDES9201 Design Seminar 1: Design and the Sustainable Society 6
SDES9202 Design Seminar 2: Perception and Desire 6
SDES9203 Design Seminar 3: The Great Debate 6
SDES9204 Design Communication 6
SDES9205 Design Research 6
SDES9210 Integrated Studio 1 6
SDES9211 Integrated Studio 2 6
SDES9212 Integrated Studio Project 12
SDES9218 Design Management Project 6
SDES9754 Porosity Studio: A Multidisciplinary Studio 6
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